Test Automation - Varcos Training Institute
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Test AutomationVarcos the best software testing training institute


With the arrival of Devops / CI-CD , Test automation has become an integral part of any IT organization Testing maturity roadmap. While COTs Test Automation tools have gained good maturity levels in terms of flexibility,robustness, capabilities, they come at a price. That’s where Selenium provides an equally effective alternative. Selenium is the household name when it comes to test automation. It is considered the industry standard for user interface automation testing of Web applications. Almost nine out of ten testers are using or have used Selenium in their projects. We offer a course on Test Automation with Selenium which is suitable for freshers as well as Testing professionals who want to up-skill in Test Automation. Course is of ~40 hrs including Theory and Hands on Lab + Assignments.

Course Outline

  • Core Java
    1. Overview of Java Language, Constants, Variables and Data Types
    2. Operators and Expressions, Decision making, branching and looping
    3. OOP concepts
    4. Classes, Objects and Methods (OOPS Details with example)
    5. Access Modifiers, Static, Constructor, final keywords
    6. Managing Errors and Exceptions (Exception Handling - try, catch, finally, finalize, throw, throws)
    7. JDBC Overview with example
    8. Lab sessions and Assignments
  • Selenium IDE & Webdriver
    1. Introduction of Selenium IDE works (Demo)
    2. Downloading WebDriver Jars and configuring in eclipse
    3. Architecture of selenium webdriver
    4. Drivers for Firefox, IE, chrome
    5. Different identifiers (Locators)
    6. Lab sessions and Assignments
  • Selenium Webdriver
    1. WebDriver & WebDriver DesiredCapabilities Class (firefox profiles)
    2. Firepath, firebug Inspecting elements in Mozilla, Chrome and IE
    3. HTML language tags and attributes
    4. Various locator strategies
    5. WebDriver Interface
    6. Creating customized Xpaths without firebug
    7. Managing Input fields, Buttons and creating custom xpaths
    8. Extracting More than one object from a page (findelements)
    9. Windows handling, frames
    10. Lab sessions and Assignments
  • Introduction to Frameworks

What you will learn

  • Core JAVA skills and Selenium Fundamentals
  • Hands on skills required to work as Trainee Test Automation Engineer
  • Best practices, in Test Automation and Test Automation Frameworks

Are there any pre-requisites for this course?

An open mind, a strong work ethic, willingness to learn, and plenty of excitement about learning new skills in Test Automation. If you have good technical ability, you will grasp Test Automation skills at ease.

How this course will help you

Our course will help you to jump start your career as a ‘Test Automation Engineer’ if you are fresher. It can also help you embark in the Test Automation domain if you are an experienced functional / manual tester.